Reproduction speedo cable for use when fitting a type 9 5 speed gearbox to Mark 1 and 2 Escort. Can also be used for 4 speed gearboxes as the length is longer; 1750mm long from end to end. Uses original Ford style fittings to ends; gearbox end flange is slightly thicker than OEM and will need to be thinned down slightly to be correctly retained by circlip. Will fit both 4 and 5 speed boxes.
- Ford Capri Mk1 3.0 V6 & RS3100 1969-1974
- Ford Capri Mk2 including 3.0 V6 (not 1.3) 1974-1978
- Ford Capri Mk3 including 3.0 V6 & 2.8 V6 (not 1.3) 1978-1986
- Ford Cortina Mk3 1970-1976
- Ford Cortina Mk4 1976-1979
- Ford Cortina Mk5 1979-1982
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